The Moral Philosophy of Bonhoeffer CFP
January 02, 2025
October 31, 2007
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Philosophy Section
Theme: The Presumption of Naturalism
Keynote Speaker:
J. P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy,
Biola University
"Deflationary Naturalism: Responding to Nagel's Last Stand."
J. P. Moreland has authored or co-authored books including Philosophical
Foundations for a Christian Worldview; Christianity and the Nature of
Science; Scaling the Secular City; Does God Exist? His
work appears in journals such as Christianity Today, Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society, Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, and The American Philosophical Quarterly.
The central theme of the philosophy section at this year�s National Faculty
Leadership Conference will be to engage the presumption of naturalism as we find
it both metaphysically and methodologically. What exactly makes a position
naturalistic? To what degree can Christian philosophers embrace forms of
naturalism? How can the limits of a legitimate naturalism be articulated and
Titles with abstracts of 300-400 words should be emailed as a MS Word
document attachment to by February 15, 2008. Please
include a cover page in the Word document indicating: a) your name, b) position, c) institutional affiliation, d) mailing address, e) email address, f) daytime telephone number, g) the academic track for which you are making your submission.
Contributors will be notified of acceptance by April 1, 2008.
The theme of the 2008 NATIONAL FACULTY LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is "The Heart of
the University." The conference includes outstanding plenary speakers such as,
J. P. Moreland, Ken Elzinga, Marla Frederick-McGlathery, and Bible exposition by
Richard Pratt. Special guest presenters include William Lane Craig and Patricia
Raybon. Our conference will be enriched with worship through music, fine arts
performances, and prayer for the academy.
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The Faculty ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ Int.
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