Carpe Diem! Fifty Years of Near-Death Research Invites Christian Philosophic/Apologetic/Theological Assessment

J. Steve Miller

This paper was first presented at the 2024 annual meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, imploring Christian philosophers, theologians, and apologists to acquaint themselves with five decades of near-death studies, assessing the data for relevance to their fields of study.

A brief history of near-death studies introduces the topic, followed by suggestions as to why this field has typically been neglected by Christian scholars.

While some Christian scholars have indeed engaged near-death studies, much more work needs to be done, integrating them into specific sub-fields of study, some of which are suggested.

The full-text of this paper is available for FREE by clicking here. The paper is part of an ongoing EPS web project focused on Philosophical Issues in “Afterlife Apologetics.”