Call for Papers: SCP Conference on Values and Virtues

October 11, 2010
Posted by Administrator

The Society of Christian Philosophers Midwestern Conference

February 24-26, 2011
Hope College
Holland, Michigan

Topic: “Values and Virtues”

Plenary speakers:

Robert C. Roberts (Baylor University)
Address: “Emotions in the Sense of Duty”

Eric Wielenberg (DePauw University)
Address: “Divine Deception”

Papers are especially encouraged on matters of virtue ethics, the relation between religion and ethics, applied ethical topics (especially as they might relate to the Christian tradition), or value theory more generally.  Papers on any topic of philosophical interest will be considered.  We welcome the submissions of both Christians and non-Christians as presenters, commentators, and participants.

Submissions should be 3,000 words or less, prepared for blind review, and saved in an accessible format (hard copy submissions will not be accepted).  Please indicate whether you would be willing to serve as a commentator, should your paper not be accepted.

Deadline for submission: November 12, 2010.

For more information, please visit the conference website:

Please send any queries, submissions, or requests to comment to Jack Mulder at