Philosophia Christi

Philosophia Christi is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS) with the support of Biola University as a vehicle for the scholarly discussion of the core areas of philosophy as well as philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, and philosophical apologetics. The opinions and conclusions published in Philosophia Christi are solely those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and/or Biola University.

Philosophia Christi Editorial Team

Ross Inman, Editor.

Betty J. Talbert, Managing Editor.

Joseph E. Gorra, Consulting Editor.

Book Review Editors:

Publish with Philosophia Christi

We invite English-language submissions that provide original and unique work. Contributors do not need to be members of the EPS. All manuscripts submitted should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere without the consent of the editor.

  • Review our guidelines for all types of submissions.
  • For Article and Philosophical Note, please submit your paper via our Online Submission Form.
  • For all Book Reviews, please contact the appropriate book review editor (above).

Digital Access and Indexing of Philosophia Christi

Access Philosophia Christi online via The Philosophy Documentation Center and content aggregators and search engines like and Google Scholar. For as low as $25/year, purchase an annual subscription or become a member of the EPS (also includes annual print subscription). A digital subscription to Philosophia Christi via The Philosophy Documentation does not include a membership to the EPS.

Philosophia Christi is indexed by the Philosopher’s Index, Religious and Theological Abstracts, the ATLA Religion Database, and Index Theologicus.