Welcome, Gregory Ganssle!

October 08, 2011
Posted by Administrator

It is my joy to welcome Greg Ganssle to the EPS blog!

Greg has been longtime leader and scholar in the EPS. In my estimation, he is one of the most creative, wise, and engaging thinkers in our Society. His recent book, A Reasonable God: Engaging the New Face of Atheism (Baylor) is must-reading for anyone who cares to understand and assess the “New Atheism” (see my interview with Greg here).

Greg is Senior Fellow and lecturer at the Rivendell Institute, Yale University, a regular contributor to Philosophia Christi, and currently a member of the EPS Executive Committee.

His most recent blog posts are worth your time and interaction:

“Beyond Cognitive Dissonance”

“Existential Dissonance and Core Identity”

You can learn more about Greg by visiting his EPS web profile here.