Call for Papers: Neuroscience and the Soul: Philosophical Issues

October 06, 2012
Posted by Administrator

With the generous support of the John Templeton Foundation, Biola University’s Center for Christian Thought has provided money to the Evangelical Philosophical Society and Philosophia Christi to develop a special issue on neuroscience and the soul. Philosophia Christi invites submissions of papers in philosophy of mind that are conversant with the contemporary literature. For example, interested contributors may wish to consider submitting papers that

  • Address a recent version of physicalism or non-physicalist approaches to human persons and consciousness;
  • Assess the theological and philosophical implications of the brain sciences or cognitive science for how we think of human and/or nonhuman animal minds;
  • Evaluate recent versions of pan-psychism, the unity of consciousness;
  • Draw on classical sources such as Kant on the unity of apperception or Descartes’ modal argument, and the like, but it is desirable that papers use such sources to impact our current thinking about philosophy of mind.

This publishing opportunity is supported by the John Templeton Foundation, which is highly committed to fostering fruitful exchanges on science and religion. Papers that draw upon or assess works in science such as neuroscience or cognitive science are especially welcome. This Summer 2013 issue of the journal will be devoted to neuroscience and the soul, including articles, philosophical notes, and book reviews.

Submission Guidelines for Paper

First attachment, the cover letter:
author’s name
title of paper
institutional affiliation
contact information (email and phone number)
an abstract of the paper (less than 300 words)

Second attachment, the paper or abstract of paper:
5000-7,000 words
title of paper
should not contain any personal information

Please send attachments in Word files to

Submission Deadline: March 10, 2013

Authors will be notified promptly on acceptance, and for authors with accepted papers any revisions suggested by the editors will need to be completed in a timely fashion in order to submit all accepted papers to the managing editor of Philosophia Christi by April 1.

N.b. If submitting a book review (1,200-2,000 words) or philosophical note (2,000-4,000 words), please send in a Word file to the same email address noted above.

Philosophia Christi is a peer-reviewed international journal published twice a year by the Evangelical Philosophical Society with the support of Biola University as a vehicle for the scholarly discussion of philosophy and philosophical issues.