Call for Proposals: 2014 Society of Pentecostal Studies

April 26, 2013
Posted by Administrator

Conference Date: March 6–8, 2014
Location: Evangel University, Springfield, MO
Call for proposals deadline: June 30, 2013

The conference theme this year is “Hermeneutics and the Spirit: Identities, Communities, and the Making of Meaning” and the keynote speaker is Fordham’s Merold Westphal.

Given that this is a general SPS annual meeting, there will be a lot of non-philosophical papers (theology, history, sociology, etc.) but there is a specific “Philosophy Interest Group” that most EPS members would find interesting (there are also other interest groups that are closely related to philosophy, like “Christian Ethics” or “Religion and Culture”). 

Please contact W. Paul Franks (Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Tyndale University) for any questions.