2025 EPS Annual Meeting CFP
February 03, 2025
MoralApologetics.com is excited to announce that its first annual Writing Contest is now underway. Selected entries will be featured on the website, and the writers of the winning entries will each receive one hundred dollars and an invitation to be a regular monthly contributor to the site. (It’s in principle possible but not rather likely that one person could win in more than one category.)
Entries are to be 1000 words (maximum) on a topic pertaining to moral resources for apologetics (please read the site’s Vision Statement for what sorts of topics this involves). Submissions will be judged on both their insight and literary merits. There are three categories: Bible, Philosophy, and Literature. Clearly specify which category your entry falls under; no entry can be entered into more than one category (though entries can include content that encompasses more than one category).
Along with each entry please include a short bio and picture, though entries will be judged anonymously by the editors at the site. Multiple entries by an individual are allowed, but no more than three total entries per person (in whatever categories you’d like). Each category will feature a winner and runner up (runner ups will receive a copy of Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality autographed by both authors).
The due date for submissions is March 1, 2015. E-mail your entry, depending on the category, to one of the following addresses:
Bible: jpruitt@liberty.edu
Philosophy: dbaggett@liberty.edu
Literature: mdavis@liberty.edu
Quills at the ready? Begin!
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