Scripture’s Knowing: A Companion to Biblical Epistemology

September 11, 2016
Posted by Administrator

In 2015, Cascade Books published Scripture’s Knowing: A Companion to Biblical Epistemology by Dru Johnson. Dru Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at The King’s College in New York City, co-chair of the Hebrew Bible and Philosophy program unit in the Society of Biblical Literature, and a former Templeton Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies–Shalem Center (now The Herzl Institute) in Jerusalem.

From the publisher’s description of Scripture’s Knowing:

Scripture’s Knowing is a guide to the emerging field of philosophical study of Scripture, specifically about knowing. Assuming that the Scriptures speak verbosely and persistently about knowing, what do the biblical authors have to say? How do they conceptualize ideas like truth and knowledge? Most importantly, how do we come to confidently know anything at all? Scripture’s Knowing follows the discourse on knowledge through key biblical texts and shows the similarity of biblical knowing with the scientific enterprise. The findings are linked to the role of ritual in knowing and implications for theologians and churches today.
See also this 33-minute interview with Dru Johnson

See also Dru’s paper here at the EPS website, “A Biblical Nota Bene on Philosophical Inquiry.”