God and the Multiverse: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives

July 09, 2017
Posted by Administrator

In 2017, Routledge published God and the Multiverse: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives by Klaas Kraay in their Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion series. Klaas J. Kraay is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has published articles in such journals as Philosophical Studies, Erkenntnis, American Philosophical Quarterly, the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Religious Studies, and Faith and Philosophy.

From the publisher’s description of God and the Multiverse:

In recent decades, scientific theories have postulated the existence of many universes beyond our own. The details and implications of these theories are hotly contested. Some philosophers argue that these scientific models count against the existence of God. Others, however, argue that if God exists, a multiverse is precisely what we should expect to find. Moreover, these philosophers claim that the idea of a divinely created multiverse can help believers in God respond to certain arguments for atheism. These proposals are, of course, also extremely controversial. This volume collects together twelve newly published essays – two by physicists, and ten by philosophers – that discuss various aspects of this issue. Some of the essays support the idea of a divinely created multiverse; others oppose it. Scientific, philosophical, and theological issues are considered.