Call for Papers: Habits and Routines: Philosophical, Psychological, and Organizational Approaches to Automatic Actions

August 09, 2017
Posted by Administrator

Papers are being submitted for review for publication in a theme issue of Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Habits and Routines: Philosophical, Psychological, and Organizational Approaches to Automatic Actions.  

The goal of the volume is to create a platform for discussing the interrelations between philosophical, psychological, and organizational approaches to habits and routines. Contributions to this volume can discuss the concept of automaticity of behavior, taxonomy of automatic actions, the problem of mindlessness and mindfulness of automatic behavior, models of explanation for automatic actions, interpretations of classic historic accounts of habits, routines and automatic behavior, among others.

Contact the editors for more information – Piotr T. Makowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland) and Przemysaw G. Hensel (University of Warsaw, Poland). 

Submission Deadline is December 1, 2017.