Subscribe to the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care

October 27, 2017
Posted by Administrator


The Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care is celebrating its tenth year of publication. Subscribe before November 1st to receive our special anniversary issue that addresses major themes in the study of Christian spirituality over the last decade. The 10th anniversary issue will be mailed by end of this November and the Spring 2018 issue will arrive next May. Your subscription ($20 for students and $30 for regular subscribers) keeps you up-to-date on scholarly work on the need and nature of spiritual formation in Christ.

Also, as a special offer enter code EDITOR at checkout for a free back issue of your choice ($15 value). To select your back issue click the “Issues” tab on the left of the screen and select the issue of the journal you desire. 

You can subscribe online here.
About the Journal: The Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year with the purpose of advancing discussion of the theory and practice of Christian formation and soul care.  The journal features articles which develop an in-depth understanding of the need, nature, and practical components of spiritual transformation in Christ as well as articles which articulate the theory and practice of various kinds of soul care that are vital to such formation.  In addition to full-length articles, the journal occasionally publishes shorter pieces that offer a more personal, responsive reflection on issues in the field of spiritual formation and soul care and also select book reviews.  While the journal is rooted in biblical and theological inquiry, the existential nature of Christian spirituality demands an interdisciplinary approach in which disciplines such as history, psychology, philosophy, literature, and sociology have a valuable contribution. The major intent of the editors is to place before the Christian community writing that fosters the field of spiritual formation and soul care as that has been understood and developed within historic Christianity.

The journal always accepts submissions for publication. See the website for more info.