2025 EPS Annual Meeting CFP
February 03, 2025
The 13th Spring Meeting of the Midwest Region of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS). Conference held in conjunction with the 63rd Spring Meeting of the Midwest Region of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS).
March 23-24, 2018; Hosted by Grace Bible College (Grand Rapids, MI)
Conference Theme: The Future Direction of Evangelical Theology. Plenary Speaker: Dr. Christina Van Dyke. (Professor of Philosophy, Calvin College; Senior Fellow and Interim Director of the Center for the Philosophy of Religion at Rutgers University). Dr. Van Dyke is a prolific and prominent philosopher. Dr. Van Dyke’s recent works include The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy; Thomas Aquinas: The Treatise on Happiness, The Treatise on Human Acts; and Aquinas’s Ethics: Metaphysical Foundations, Moral Theory, and Theological Context.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 11:59pm EST, January 14, 2018; Notification of acceptance by February 11, 2018
Conference includes a graduate student paper competition
We invite abstracts for papers dealing with any topic in philosophy that is of interest to Christian philosophers. Abstracts of at least 400 words should be submitted via email as a PDF attachment no later than 11:59pm EST January 14, 2018 to Shawn Graves (University of Findlay), Chair of the Midwest Region of the EPS, at graves@findlay.edu. Please use the subject line “EPS 2018 Submission”.
Abstracts should be prepared for blind review and include a presentation title. In the body of the email, please include the following information: (1) name of author(s), (2) institutional affiliation(s), (3) phone number(s), and (4) email address(es). If you are a graduate student, and you wish for your paper to be considered for a prize (please see below), then please indicate in the body of the email whether you are a graduate student.
We welcome submissions from both Christians and non-Christians alike. We especially encourage submissions from underrepresented groups in philosophy.
Presenters will have 30 minutes to present their papers and should plan for 10 minutes of Q&A.
Presenters must register for the conference. Registration is handled by the Evangelical Theological Society. More information regarding registration can be found here.
Graduate Student Paper Prizes
Graduate students who have had their abstracts accepted for presentation and who wish to be considered for the Midwest Region of the Evangelical Philosophical Society’s prize for the Best Graduate Student Paper are also required to submit via email as a PDF attachment the final draft of the paper no later than 11:59pm EST March 11, 2018. Submissions should be sent to Shawn Graves (University of Findlay), Chair of the Midwest Region of the EPS, at graves@findlay.edu. Please use the subject line “EPS 2018 Submission”.
Papers should be prepared for blind review. In the body of the email, please include the following information: (1) name of author(s), (2) institutional affiliation(s), (3) phone number(s), (4) email address(es), and (5) indication of one’s graduate student status.
The final draft of the paper should be approximately 3,000 words.
Accepted contestants are required to present the paper at the conference. While the intention is to give a prize for the Best Graduate Student Paper, it is possible that no prize will be given. All prize decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Winners, if any, will be announced publicly at the conference.
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