Call For Papers: The Son of God

December 01, 2017
Posted by Administrator

Submissions are being collected for a special issue of TheoLogica on the Son of God.

The Son of God has been a fundamental theological theme since the beginning of the Christian era. We invite submissions on this central theological theme – the Son of God – that address old questions as well as new from the discipline of analytic theology. A non-exhaustive list of potential topics includes the following: how the Son is distinct from the Father; the Son’s eternal begetting from the Father; contemporary philosophical models of the Incarnation; models of the Incarnation informed by modern neuroscience; what the Incarnation entails about the eternal Son; how the person of the Son grounds the work of Christ; in what sense of ‘is’ the Son of God is the triune God; etc.

Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2018

Full papers should be submitted via our website: or sent to:

In order to contribute equally to scientific international discussions held in several languages, articles written in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are accepted. Visit the Revista TheoLogica homepage for a description of the journal and instructions to authors.

Matthew Owen (University of Birmingham) and Fred Sanders (Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University) will be the guest editors for this special issue of TheoLogica.