CFP: Fourth Theistic Ethics Workshop

January 22, 2018
Posted by Administrator

Wake Forest University
October 4-6, 2018

“Theistic ethics” includes such topics as divine command and divine will theories, God and natural law, ethics and the problem of evil, moral arguments for a theistic being, infused and acquired virtues, the harms and benefits of theistic religions, specific ethical issues in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, and many other topics as well.

Invited Speakers are: 

William J. FitzPatrick (University of Rochester)
Kristen Irwin (Loyola University Chicago)
Christian B. Miller (Wake Forest University)
Connie S. Rosati (University of Arizona)
Neal Tognazzini (Western Washington University)

There will be five invited papers and four spots for submitted papers. All papers will have 40 minutes for presentation and at least 40 minutes for discussion. Those interested in participating should submit an abstract of up to 750 words and a current C.V. to Christian Miller at by May 1, 2018. Notification will be made by June 1, 2018. If your abstract is selected, we will cover all of your expenses for the workshop, including travel (this includes international travel). 

Questions about the workshop should be sent to The conference goal, logistical details, and details about applying are here