2025 EPS Annual Meeting CFP
February 03, 2025
The far west regional meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society will take place Friday, April 13, 2018, at Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the far west region of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Paper proposals may be on any philosophical topic of interest to Christian philosophers, theologians, or biblical studies scholars. Papers closely related to the ETS conference theme, Christology, would be appreciated. The EPS is expecting papers for up to 6 parallel sessions. Papers will be accepted from both faculty and student members of EPS.
Please submit a short abstract (no more than 200 words) of your paper in the body of an email to scott.smith@biola.edu, by February 15, 2018. Sessions are limited to 40 minutes, with 25 minutes to read the paper (i.e., about 12.5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt) and the remaining time left for questions and answers.
You will be contacted later with information about the papers that are accepted, as well as schedule, registration, and optional banquet info (which is a good time to mingle and build relationships).
NOTE: The ETS theme is Christology, and the plenary will be a discussion of how Christology is the intersection of all disciplines, by Dr. Stephen Wellum. Any paper on the theme of Christology that is presented can also (if the author chooses) be considered for publication in JBTS, which is a journal for which Dr. Daniel Diffey, the ETS regional VP & host, serves as general editor. (You can see the journal online at www.jbtsonline.org, and it is printed by Wipf & Stock.)
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