2019 Far West Regional Meeting of the EPS: Call for Papers

January 08, 2019
Posted by Administrator

The meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society far west region will take place in conjunction with the Evangelical Theological Society meeting on Friday, March 29, 2019, at Cal Baptist University, Riverside, CA.

The EPS is expecting paper presentations for at least 6 parallel presentations. If you are a member of the EPS, you may submit a proposal for a paper by Jan 31 to Scott Smith, Secretary-Treasurer of the EPS. 

Please submit in the body of an email:

  • Your name, affiliation, & if you are a student
  • Paper title
  • Abstract – up to 200 words (give a clear sense of your thesis & how you will argue)

You will be notified shortly thereafter if your paper has been accepted.

Hope you can come!

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