2024 Annual Meeting Panel Discussions
July 04, 2024
March 01, 2019
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Deadline for submissions: July 31st, 2019
Guest editors for this special issue of Theologica will be Joshua Cockayne (University of St Andrews) & David Efird (University of York).
The past 15 years have seen an explosion of work in analytic theology, an interdisciplinary pursuit between analytic philosophers and theologians. Analytic theologians have made remarkable progress in contributing to central areas of systematic theology, particularly concerning the doctrines of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Atonement, to name but a few.
Despite this, there is one area of systematic theology that analytic theologians have largely, neglected, namely, ecclesiology, which concerns the nature and practice of the Church. This special issue aims to fill this lacuna. There are many issues raised by ecclesiology which raise difficult philosophical questions: How can the Church be one united whole, despite its apparent disunity? How does participating in the liturgy of a church community contribute to the worship of the whole Church? How can the actions of the Holy Spirit unite the Church? These are just a few of the many questions which emerge from the study of ecclesiology.
We invite articles which address any issue relating to the Church and its practice,which makes use of the tools and techniques of analytic philosophy. Some suggested topics are:
1) The structure and ontology of the Church;
2) Liturgy and corporate worship;
3) The sacraments
Full papers should be submitted via our website: https://ojs.uclouvain.be/index.php/theologica/index or sent to: managingeditor.theologica@gmail.com.
In order to contribute equally to scientific international discussions held in several languages, articles written in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are accepted. Visit the TheoLogica homepage for a description of the journal and instructions to authors.
Details are available here:
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