CFP: Metaphysical Society of America 2020 annual conference

May 01, 2019
Posted by Administrator

Theme: “Nature and its Meanings”

In 2020, the 70th anniversary of its founding, the theme of the Metaphysical Society of America’s annual meeting will be “Nature and its Meanings.” Papers treating any aspect of this wide issue, whether thematic or historical, are welcome.

Location: College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Massachusetts)

Dates: 19 to 22 March 2020

500-word abstracts should be sent electronically by 01 September 2019 to Lawrence Cahoone, Professor of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross at: The Program Committee will then select the conference papers. Those whose abstracts are chosen should submit completed papers by 15 January 2020 to allow review by commentators and publication of the program. Further information on the conference will become available at:

Aristotle Prize: Papers submitted by persons who have not yet earned a Ph.D. or who have received a Ph.D. within five years of the submission date will be considered for the Aristotle prize, if the Program Committee is made aware of their eligibility. The prize carries a cash award of $500, inclusion in the program, and assistance with the costs associated with attending the meeting. Graduate students and recent Ph.D.s are encouraged to apply. Full papers must be submitted for the prize by September 1, 2019.

Travel Grants for Graduate Students: Thanks to the generous support of past presidents of the MSA and a grant from the Hocking-Cabot Fund for Systematic Philosophy, we are pleased to offer travel grants to graduate students whose papers are selected for the program for our annual meeting. More information and an application can be found on the Society’s website.