Preview of Philosophia Christi’s Winter 2021 Issue

November 17, 2021
Posted by Joe Gorra

The Winter 2021 issue of Philosophia Christi will feature a variety of articles, philosophical notes, and book reviews at the intersections of philosophical theology, philosophy of religion, ethics, and philosophy of time, including contributions from

  • Kirk Lougheed on ‘grounds for worship’;
  • Jonathan Daniel Ashbach on ‘phenomenological arguments’ for aesthetics;
  • Angus Menuge on ‘Techno-Anthropology’ illusions;
  • Erik Wielenberg on Craig’s Kalam argument;
  • Zachary Adam Akin and his retrieval of Ralph Cudworth’s ‘Divine Conceptualism’ argument;

. . . among many other important contributions not to be missed!

For as low as $25/yr, sign-up/renew your subscription today (EPS Membership includes a print subscription to the journal). Want digital only access to the journal? EPS members get a discounted rate through the Philosophy Documentation Center (includes the entire archive – over 1,000 contributions -since 1999!).