For as low as $25/yr, now is a great time to subscribe to Philosophia Christi in time for the Summer 2022 issue (currently set to be released by end of August).
The Summer 2022 issue features a symposium (edited by Kevin W. Wong) on Jordan Wessling’s Love Divine: A Systematic Account of God’s Love for Humanity (Oxford, 2020), with contributions not only from Wessling but also R.T. Mullins, Keith Hess, and Ty Kieser. Wessling’s book – and the book symposium – takes seriously a rigorous account of the nature of divine love, including its importance for thinking about other doctrines and theological methodology. In a recent interview 2022 interview for The Analytic Christian, Jordan Wessling unpacks some of the core concepts of his book and their relevance for various models on divine love.
Additionally, the Summer issue of Philosophia Christi showcases a splendid variety of articles, philosophical notes, and book reviews tapping into discussions about philosophy of mysticism, philosophical naturalism, panpsychism, philosophical anthropology and ethics with contributions from Angus Menuge, Robert Larmer, Stephen Parrish, Andrew Loke, Paul Gould!