2024 Annual Meeting Panel Discussions
July 04, 2024
The 2023 ETS/EPS annual conference for the Southwest region will be hosted on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX) on March 24–25, 2023. EPS members of any rank (including graduate students) or from any region are invited to submit a proposal to present their paper on-site during the conference. All presenting members must register and attend the conference in person on the campus of SWBTS. EPS proposals may be related to any topic in the field of philosophy, including ethics, philosophy of religion, religious epistemology, etc. Topics relating philosophical inquiry to the conference’s theme (Kingdom of God) would be appreciated. To register for the conference, please go to https://ti.to/sw-region-of-ets/sw-regional-conference-ets-eps-2023
Please submit proposals to jhowell@cambridgedallas.org
All proposals should include a title, a 200-word description, and a brief statement concerning your credentials (education and experience). Proposals are due by January 31, 2023.
SW ETS/EPS Ben Arbour Memorial Student Paper Competition
Student members whose papers are accepted for inclusion in the program will be eligible to enter a student paper competition. Students who wish to enter the competition must submit the following to Greg Trickett at gtrickett@wc.edu by February 26, 2023: 1. A titled, full version of the paper to be presented (no more than 5,000 words) suitable for blind review. 2. A 200-300 word abstract with the paper title as it appears on the blind review submission, the student’s name, pursued degree, and societal (EPS or ETS) and institutional affiliations.
The winner(s) will be announced at the final plenary session of the conference. Students must present their papers at the conference to be considered for the competition.
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