Thomas Aquinas on Creation, and the Argument for Theistic Evolution from Commentary on Sentences, Book II

Fr. Michael Chaberek, O.P., S.T.D.

For years, Thomists have been using the argument from Commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences by Thomas Aquinas to defend theistic evolution. This trend was initiated with Dalmace Leroy’s attempt to combine Christianity and evolution.

This paper evaluates the argument in the light of two Christian interpretative traditions regarding Genesis account of creation. One comes from St. Ambrose another from St. Augustine. Thomas Aquinas evaluates both traditions, however, as neither of them is compatible with theistic evolution.

The paper shows that the Thomistic argument for theistic evolution stems from misreading of Aquinas and shows that theistic evolution is incompatible with both Christian traditions regarding the manner of creation.

The full-text of this paper is available for FREE by clicking here.