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Malik Academic Fellowship with Ratio Christi

In an effort to help fund bright young Christian PhD students entering into the pipeline of secular university academia, we are accepting applications for the Malik Academic Fellowship (MAF). The Malik Academic Fellowship exists to develop a movement of Christian thought leaders in academia by helping fund promising Christian graduate students pursuing academic careers at secular universities.

See the webpage and short video explaining the nature of the MAF at

Call for Papers: 2023 EPS Annual Meeting

The 2023 national meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society will be held at the San Antonio Grand Hyatt and the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas from November 14–16. Stephen Evans (Baylor University) will give our plenary address this year entitled, “Should Christians Accept a Divine Command Theory of Moral Obligations?” The meeting will be held in conjunction with the Evangelical Theological Society.

We invite paper submissions or proposals for panel discussions addressing any topic of interest to Christian philosophers. We will be dedicating one morning session (four papers) to the topic of apologetics; so please specify in your submission if you would like to be considered for the apologetics session.

Graduate Student Philosophy Paper Contest

As part of our initiative to help develop graduate student scholarship, the EPS will be awarding a $1000 prize for the best graduate student philosophy paper. In order to be considered for the prize, full papers must be submitted. If you are a graduate student, please indicate this in your submission email so you can be considered for the contest. The final draft of the paper should not exceed 3,200 words. To receive the prize, the author must attend the meeting. If the winning author is unable to attend, the prize will go to the runner-up.

Submissions should include:

  • Author’s name
  • Contact information (at least email)
  • Title of paper
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Time constraints / preferences
    • Days and times you CANNOT read the paper
    • Days and times you would PREFER to read the paper
    • While we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, inflexibility with regard to possible reading times may make your paper more difficult to accept*
  • An abstract of the paper (100-200 words). Strong preference will be shown to submissions including full text of paper.

Deadline and Submission Process:

  • All proposals must be received by April 15, 2023 by the end of the day to be considered.
  • Proposals should be sent as either doc(x) or PDF attachment to:
  • Please indicate whether you are willing to serve as a moderator for EPS sessions.

Guidelines for Presentations

  • Paper should take no more than 25 minutes to read, leaving 10-15 minutes for discussion.
  • Cancellation: Please communicate all cancellations to the moderator of your session. If you need to cancel your presentation and it has already been announced via the conference program, please plan to have a friend or colleague read your paper on your behalf.

Seventh Theistic Ethics Workshop Call for Papers

Seventh Theistic Ethics Workshop

Location: Wake Forest University
Dates: September 7-9, 2023



  • Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State)
  • Ryan Preston-Roedder (Occidental)
  • Kyla Ebels-Duggan (Northwestern)
  • Chris Tucker (William & Mary)
  • Patrick Kain (Purdue)

Goal: Contemporary philosophy of religion has been richly informed by important work in metaphysics and epistemology. At the same time, there has not been nearly as much work done at the intersection of philosophy of religion and meta-ethics or normative theory. To help inspire more good work in this area, Christian Miller (Wake Forest), Mark Murphy (Georgetown), and Chris Tucker (William & Mary) have been organizing a series of annual workshops on theistic ethics for a number of years.

Logistics: The seventh workshop will be held at the Graylyn Conference Center at Wake Forest University (, one of the nicest conference facilities in the country. We will begin with dinner and the first paper on Thursday, September 7 and conclude at the end of the day on Saturday, September 9, 2023. There will be five invited papers and four spots for submitted papers. All papers have 40 minutes for presentation and at least 40 minutes for discussion.

Themes: “Theistic ethics” is to be understood broadly to include such topics as divine command and divine will theories, God and natural law, ethics and the problem of evil, moral arguments for a theistic being, infused and acquired virtues, the harms and benefits of theistic religions, specific ethical issues in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, and many other topics as well.

Applying: Those interested in participating should submit an abstract of up to 750 words and a current C.V. to Christian Miller at by June 1, 2023. Word or PDF file formats only. Please prepare abstracts for anonymous review.  For although the organizers seek to have a balanced program both in terms of topics and presenters, the initial stage of review will be done anonymously. Submitters to a previous year’s workshop, whether successful or unsuccessful, are welcome to apply to this year’s workshop.

Questions about the workshop should be sent to Notification will be made by June 17, 2023. If your abstract is selected, we will cover all of your expenses for the workshop, including travel (this includes international travel). Co-authors are welcome, but only one author’s expenses can be covered. You do not have to send your paper in advance of the workshop, and it certainly can be a work in progress.

Supported by generous funding from the Carswell Fund of the Wake Forest University Philosophy Department.

2023 MAPR Scholarship Awards

2023 MAPR Scholarship Awards

With the mission of advancing unique graduate-level philosophical training in the historic Christian tradition, Palm Beach Atlantic University is excited to announce seven competitive scholarship opportunities.

Augustine Scholarship   –   Full Program Tuition – $20,000

    Aquinas Scholarship   –   Half Program Tuition – $10,000

     Anselm Scholarship   –   Quarter Program Tuition – $5,000

We will award 1 Augustine Scholarship, 2 Aquinas Scholarships, and 4 Anselm Scholarships.

These scholarships are for students accepted to the MAPR program (Fall 2023 semester) to study full-time at the PBAU campus in West Palm Beach, Florida.


  • To apply, applicants must:
    • Apply to the MAPR program
    • Submit a high-quality academic essay (approx. 3,000 words) by email (
  • Applicants are not required to have a BA in Philosophy but must have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution.
  • Inquiries should be sent to
  • Application Deadline: March 31, 2023

To learn more, visit:

2023 Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers: Call for Papers

The Baptist Association of Philosophy Teacher’s (BAPT) executive committee is pleased to invite submissions for its nineteenth biennial conference on March 17-19, 2023 at Baylor University in Waco, TX.

Papers on any topic of general interest to the BAPT membership are welcome. Suggestions for panel discussions are also welcome, as are undergraduate submissions.

The submission deadline is February 17. For additional information, including how to register for the meeting, please see here.

Please help promote this event by sharing and posting the BAPT 2023 CFP flyer from the BAPT website or by linking to it.

2023 EPS Southwest Region Call for Papers



The 2023 ETS/EPS annual conference for the Southwest region will be hosted on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX) on March 24–25, 2023. EPS members of any rank (including graduate students) or from any region are invited to submit a proposal to present their paper on-site during the conference. All presenting members must register and attend the conference in person on the campus of SWBTS. EPS proposals may be related to any topic in the field of philosophy, including ethics, philosophy of religion, religious epistemology, etc. Topics relating philosophical inquiry to the conference’s theme (Kingdom of God) would be appreciated. To register for the conference, please go to

Please submit proposals to

All proposals should include a title, a 200-word description, and a brief statement concerning your credentials (education and experience). Proposals are due by January 31, 2023.

SW ETS/EPS Ben Arbour Memorial Student Paper Competition

Student members whose papers are accepted for inclusion in the program will be eligible to enter a student paper competition. Students who wish to enter the competition must submit the following to Greg Trickett at by February 26, 2023: 1. A titled, full version of the paper to be presented (no more than 5,000 words) suitable for blind review. 2. A 200-300 word abstract with the paper title as it appears on the blind review submission, the student’s name, pursued degree, and societal (EPS or ETS) and institutional affiliations.

The winner(s) will be announced at the final plenary session of the conference. Students must present their papers at the conference to be considered for the competition.

Please Consider Supporting the EPS

I’ve said many times that the Evangelical Philosophical Society has been an important part of my personal and professional growth as a philosopher. As I began travel to the most recent annual meeting in Denver, my motivation as a scholar and teacher was just okay at best. The struggle to help students see the importance of philosophy, the feelings of futility one can have at times after decades of writing and teaching, plus the trials common to us all, combined to dampen my enthusiasm as I headed out to the conference.

But the conversations with old and new friends, the ability to hear from some great Christian philosophers and scholars, and the enthusiasm I experienced as several people offered their help in furthering the growth and impact of the EPS, led to a renewed sense of vision and purpose in my own work. This is one of the key reasons that the EPS exists, to foster a community of Christlike philosophers helping each other in our vocations. We also exist to help others come to know important things about God and his universe, for the sake of Christ, his church, and the world.

The work done by EPS members in our excellent the excellent journal and online venues are important parts of this, as are the various meetings and conferences we participate in beyond our annual meeting. In light of this, we count professors, pastors, apologists, campus ministers, and laypersons as part of our society.

I’m writing to ask you to partner with the EPS in another way, through your giving. Would you consider a monthly or even one-time gift to further the work of the EPS? Even $10-$20 month can help us accomplish our goals, as well as any year-end gift you are led to give to the EPS.

Your partnership will help us accomplish the following:

  • Creating a Membership Growth Campaign by reaching out to EPS members, helping them invite colleagues, students, and friends to join the Society. This can result in significant growth for the Society.
  • Launch a Conference Scholarship fund to support EPS members, especially international graduate students, to present at the EPS annual meeting and other conferences in the U.S. and around the world.
  • Empower Philosophia Christi to be sustainable in 2023 as production costs continue to increase.
  • Produce short video content from leading Christian scholars doing work in philosophy and interrelated disciplines.
  • Support additional regional meetings of the EPS as well as EPS involvement at the AAR, SBL, and APA meetings that provide venues for offering Christian perspectives on philosophical issues.
  • Enable more intentional space at our annual meetings to cultivate and encourage graduate students in their journey and professional development.
  • Grow the EPS Graduate Student Award and its opportunity to support and encourage emerging scholars.

We are an organization significantly driven by the generous giving of people’s time, talent, prayers, and financial resources. Any support you are able to give is deeply appreciated!

Thank you so much for considering this, and Merry Christmas!


Mike Austin
EPS President

The 2022 EPS Graduate Student Award

The EPS is very pleased to recognize Thomas Duttweiler’s paper as the recipient of the 2022 EPS Graduate Student Paper Award. A $500 award is given for the paper.

Title: “Seemings, Virtue, and Acquired Contemplation”

Abstract: Sarah Coakley, drawing on the insights of John of the Cross, has recently argued that God may have redemptive moral and epistemic purposes in remaining hidden from people during a “dark night of the soul,” and that experiences of divine hiddenness can be taken as a mode of religious experience. In this paper I explore what sort of epistemic model of religious experience is needed to underwrite Coakley’s argument. I argue that one influential externalist model—that of William Alston—is unsatisfactory, and advance in its place an internalist, phenomenal-conservatist approach bolstered by considerations from responsibilist virtue epistemology. I argue that such an approach can much more satisfactorily accommodate hiddenness experiences and practices than can that of Alston and thus can buttress Coakley’s response to the problem of divine hiddenness.

Today, Thomas presented his paper at the 2022 National Annual EPS conference in Denver, Colorado.

Thomas is currently a PhD student studying philosophy of religion under Ross D. Inman at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. His dissertation is focused on the epistemology of religious experience, and his primary interests include philosophy of religion, epistemology, and ethics.

Before coming to Southeastern, Thomas earned a Master’s of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and his Bachelor of Arts, manga cum laude, in English from Clemson University. According to Thomas, “I was saved by the Lord Jesus at Clemson and felt the call to ministry in academia at Southern Seminary. I met my wife of 13 years, Esther, at Clemson, and we have two daughters, Naomi and Eliza. We live in the Charlotte, NC area and are members of Mercy Church.”

All EPS members who are graduate students (doctoral candidates, masters students) are very much encouraged to submit their best papers for next year’s Graduate Student Paper Award. Next year’s EPS conference will be in San Antonio, TX (November 14th-16th). Become an EPS Member today (includes print subscription to Philosophia Christi) by signing-up here.