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Truth and Usefulness

When Alvin Plantinga and others developed what may be called the Argument from Reason Against Evolutionary Naturalism, my expectation was that proponents of evolutionary psychology would work flat out to explain why Quine and Dennett were right in claiming that natural selection is a good explanation of the reliability of human reasoning.

Oddly, this is not the case. In How the Mind Works (p. 305), Steven Pinker insists that “our brains were shaped for fitness, not for truth.” In other words, our cognitive capacities, including reason, are there because they are useful in the Darwinian sense of promoting the flourishing of our “selfish” genes.

The obvious problem with this is that what natural selection tests directly is our behavior, and false beliefs are just as good as true ones provided that they produce adaptive behavior, e.g. so long as it makes me run away from lions, the false belief that I am confronted with a shrubbery will be selected for. And there are surely many more false beliefs than relevant true ones about lions to choose from, so it seems it is always more likely for me to be motivated by false beliefs connected to adaptive behavior than by true and relevant beliefs that would actually provide an intelligible reason for that behavior.

Lewis Wolpert does the same thing. In Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, he writes that (p. 140) “our brains contain a belief generating machine, an engine that can produce beliefs with little relation to what is actually true.”

Later in the same book, and with no discernible sense of irony, or epistemic danger, he says (p. 216), “Science provides by far the most reliable method for determining whether one’s beliefs are valid.” Well, but the “scientific method” consists of beliefs generated by this unreliable engine. And what is worse, supposing that direct relevance to survival somehow could increase the probability that our beliefs are true, this certainly would not grant reliability to abstract beliefs in science and philosophy having nothing to do with survival.

Again, one thinks the evolutionary psychologist would worry–be afraid of the epistemic lions, as it were. But these lions are only mentioned in passing–as if they were shrubberies. Writes Pinker again (304):

“Our ancestors encountered certain problems for hundreds of thousands or millions of years–recognizing objects, making tools, learning the local language, finding a mate, predicting an animal’s movement, finding their way–and encountered certain other problems never–putting a man on the moon…proving Fermat’s last theorem.”

Here we have a theory like the one D. A. Carson has called “hard postmodernism,” that takes itself all of the way to epistemic self-destruction. The theory implies that theories such as itself have no reliable basis. How then can the evolutionary psychologist recommend evolutionary psychology (or the broader evolutionary naturalism on which it depends ) with any credibility? Isn’t this just like the hard postmodernist’s self-refuting claim that there are NO metanarratives (it is true of all narratives that they are not metanarratives)?

Even more odd is the fact that when considering supernatural religious beliefs, evolutionary psychologists often claim, in effect, that since these beliefs are useful (for social cohesion, health or whatever) they aren’t true! Of course this is a fallacy, but one would think they would be concerned with the implications for their own worldview. Just as it is a fallacy to argue useful, therefore true, it is equally a mistake to argue useful, therefore false, which would mean giving up arithmetic, logic and the scientific method. It is a bizarre spectacle to see thinkers attempting to apply universal acid selectively. When they claim that scientific claims have special reliability because of the way they are tested, they forget that they are presupposing the very use of logic (the experimental method) whose reliability is in question.

Aside from the lack of hard evidence for its claims, it seems to me that evolutionary psychology is showing itself to be fraught with problems of internal incoherence, and can only be upheld by a scrupulous doublethink which masks as shrubberies the epistemic lions it has unleashed, though they seem quite ready and willing to devour it.

Welcome Angus Menuge!

We are grateful to host Dr. Angus J. L. Menuge as our new contributor to the EPS blog. Look for his first post in the next few days! (He recently made news in a New Scientist article that attempted to report on the resurgence of “Cartesian dualism” among neuroscientists and philosophers of mind).

Angus J. L. Menuge is Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University Wisconsin. Born in England, he became an American citizen in 2005. Menuge has written articles on the vocation of scientist, Intelligent Design, philosophy of mind and apologetics. He is the author of Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004) and editor of Reading God’s World: The Vocation of Scientist (Concordia Publishing House, 2004). He shares a website with Gene Edward Veith devoted to the Reformation doctrines of Vocation and the Two Kingdoms,

Angus, a member of the EPS, is also a frequent contributor to Philosophia Christi.

His most recent article appeared in our 10:1 issue, “Intelligent Design, Darwinism, and Psychological Unity.”

Menuge’s other Philosophia Christi articles include his “Beyond Skinnerian Creatures: A Defense of the Lewis and Plantinga Critiques of Evolutionary Naturalism” in our 5:1 issue and his “Whereof One Can Speak, Thereof One Must Not Be Silent: A Review Essay on Tractatus Logico-Theologicus” in the 6:1 issue.

Interview with Owen Anderson (Part One)

We interviewed Owen Anderson about his two recent books: Reason and Worldviews (University Press of America, 2008) and The Clarity of God’s Existence (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2008). Owen is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Arizona State University West.

How did you get into philosophy?

I personally came to be interested in philosophy when I realized that the way I came to hold my worldview was analogous to how others (friends of mine in school) came to hold alternative worldviews. I had no proof, justification, or warrant that they could not also appeal to in order to arrive at a contrary conclusion. My parents/grandparents told me this is true, my religious book tells me this is true, my inner feelings/experiences tell me this is true, the best people I know of tell me this is true, it makes sense to me, etc. I call this “fideism” because we are asked to believe something on which hinges our entire existence but only offered proof that either begs the question or can be used to support alternative beliefs.

This problem built up and I came to a point where I did not want to believe in this way. In the midst of this I discovered the Great Books series in my school’s library. I began reading Aquinas and Freud (I don’t remember why I picked these). At the same time, my dad took me to a debate between William Lane Craig and an atheist, and shortly after that I took my first philosophy class. These events combined so that I became convinced that the kind of fideism I defined above was completely incompatible with the Christian religion, and yet also that the Christian philosophers I studied were often relying on just that kind of fideism. They would give evidences for Christianity, or argue that Christianity is plausible, but these same methods could be used to support alternative conclusions and they generally begged the question. I wanted more.

The consequence was that I pursued studies in philosophy in order to examine questions about how we know, what is real, and what is good. I did not want to beg the question by saying “the Christian view of these is correct and I’m going to prove it.” Instead, I asked myself “are there clear answers to these basic questions, and if so are humans responsible for knowing these answers?” The implication of my studies was that if there are clear answers, and humans have not known them, then humans are guilty for this ignorance. This raises questions about the need for redemption and how that is achieved.

I noticed on your blog that Craig Hazen reviewed the movie Religulous, and said that he came away from it thinking about how important it is for Christians to get away from the idea of faith as fideism. I am encouraged by this. I am hoping that the change will be not simply to saying “we have some arguments in our favor,” but to studying what is necessary to make the claim “there is no excuse for not knowing what is eternal (the eternal power and divine nature).”

What is it like to be a Christian scholar at ASU?

ASU has been a very encouraging place to work in the areas of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies. As a secular institution, it provides a context in which critical analysis of basic beliefs can occur. I’m especially interested in working on the intersection between disciplines such as Philosophy, Religious Studies, and History, and ASU is moving in the direction of being a leader in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work. I’m especially excited about this kind of research because in the past I have encountered boundaries where research gets shut down—claims such as “analytic philosophers don’t study that,” or “when we study religion we don’t do philosophical analysis of beliefs.” What I want to study is what can be known from general revelation, what humans are responsible for knowing from general revelation, and ASU has provided a context in which to do that.

How would you characterize your projects in The Clarity of God’s Existence and your Reason and Worldviews?

Reason and Worldviews
is a second edition of my first book Benjamin B. Warfield and Right Reason. This is an interdisciplinary book that draws from history, philosophy, and religious studies. The Clarity of God’s Existence also draws from these disciplines although its main goal is philosophical analysis of challenges to the ethics of belief in God. These books are aimed at a college audience or interested general reader.

Why did you write these books? How did they come about?

These books developed out of my studies at secular university. I am interested in how challenges to belief in God have mounted since the Enlightenment. In Reason and Worldviews I study how Common Sense Philosophy was used at Princeton, and its heritage in thinkers like Cornelius Van Til and Alvin Plantinga. In The Clarity of God’s Existence I study why it is necessary for Christianity to show that it is clear that God exists, and how challenges from David Hume and Immanuel Kant continue to be unanswered. A recent edited volume that claimed to respond to Hume began by stating that there cannot be a conclusive argument showing God’s existence, there is only plausibility. In other words, “it is not clear that God exists so that there is an excuse for unbelief, but here are some arguments that have persuaded us.” Rather than being a response to Hume, I think this has conceded to Hume his skeptical claims about the power of reason. I hope that my books will bring to the forefront the need to show the clarity of God’s existence if the claim that unbelief is inexcusable is to be taken seriously.

Please briefly summarize your discussion in Reason and Worldviews

Reason and Worldviews developed out of the questions: how has Christian apologetics developed in American history? What have been the best examples of arguments for belief? Why have these failed to show that there is no excuse for unbelief? What hindrances remain in showing this? As I studied the tradition of Common Sense Philosophy and how it uniquely developed at Princeton, the puzzle began to be solved. If the best relied on appeals to common sense, is it any wonder that this has been set aside for naturalism? I also went on to study Van Til and Plantinga to discern their contribution and whether they helped overcome the problems facing appeals to common sense. I hope this book will contribute by bringing into focus the development of thought about knowing God and what more needs to be done.

Please briefly summarize your discussion in The Clarity of God’s Existence.

In The Clarity of God’s Existence I study why it is important for Christianity to show that there is no excuse for unbelief. I examine how there has been a failure to understand this need, and how challenges have built up from thinkers like David Hume and Immanuel Kant. It has come to a point that many in society believe that there is no excuse for belief rather than for unbelief. I study how this shift occurred, and how contemporary Christian philosophy does not generally understand this challenge. I then give some suggestions on how this can be addressed, although in this book I do not offer a full account of how to show the clarity of God’s existence. Instead, the bulk of the text is spent on tracing the history of challenges since the Enlightenment and showing why clarity is necessary.

Stay tuned for part two …

EPS Philosophers Respond to New Scientist Article On “Creationism” and Materialism

Amanda Gefter, an editor with the Opinion section of the New Scientist, wrote a piece titled, “Creationists Declare War over the Brain” (posted October 22, 2008).

Gefter’s piece describes what she quotes as a “‘non-material neuroscience’ movement” that is “attempting to resurrect Cartesian dualism … in hope that it will make room in science both for supernatural forces and for a soul.”

Among the scholars that she mentions as examples of this “non-material neuroscience movement,” Gefter quotes from EPS philosophers and Philosophia Christi contributors J.P. Moreland, Angus Menuge and William Dembski (only Menuge is referenced in the article as being a philosopher).

Moreland, the Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, recently published his Consciousness & the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument (Routledge), which Gefter describes as having “fanned the flames” with its publication in June of this year.

Of Moreland’s book, she says that “Non-materialist neuroscience provided him with this helpful explanation: since God ‘is’ consciousness.” But Moreland’s book offers a philosophical explanation for non-materialism; it is not dependent on the findings of neuroscience. (She goes on to quote Moreland, which at first glance appears to be from his Routledge book. Yet upon further inspection, it appears that she selectively quotes from a blog post by Moreland).

Nonetheless, in response to Gefter’s piece, Moreland e-mailed us with the following reply:

The simple truth is that in both science and philosophy, strict physicalist analysis of consciousness and the self have been breaking down since the mid-1980s. The problems with physicalism have nothing directly to do with theism; they follow from rigorous treatments of consciousness and the self as we know them to be. The real problem comes in trying to explain its origin and for this problem, naturalism in general and Darwinism in particular, are useless. In my view, the only two serious contenders are theism and panpsychism which, contrary to the musings of some, has throughout the history of philosophy been correctly taken as a rival to and not a specification of naturalism.

(Moreland is set to publish in 2009 a similar book about the philosophical problems of naturalism titled, The Recalcitrant Imago Dei: Human Persons and the Failure of Naturalism )

Angus Menuge
, Concordia University’s (Wisconsin) Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science and Chair of Philosophy, is cited by Gefter for receiving funds from the Discovery Institute for his Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science book and for testifying “in favour of teaching ID in state-funded high-schools.”

But as Menuge notes in an e-mail to us, “I did not testify ‘in favour of teaching ID in state-funded high-schools,’ as the media would have discovered if they had actually reported the testimony given in Kansas instead of recycling a standardized science/religion story-line; we simply maintained that students should learn about the evidence for and against the neo-Darwinian view and insisted that Intelligent Design was not yet sufficiently developed as a theory to be taught in classrooms.”

Moreover, Menuge notes, “Amanda Gefter also has her chronology wrong: though I did receive support from the Discovery Institute to research Agents Under Fire, this was not part of a program to develop ‘non-materialist neuroscience’ (an area in which I have since become very interested) but my attempt to show in detail that scientific materialism is untenable because materialism undermines the rationality of science.”

Gefter agrees that “scientists have yet to crack the great mystery of how consciousness could emerge from firing neurons.” But she then suggests that the argument against materialism is (quoting naturalist philosopher Patricia Churchland) “an argument from ignorance.” Churchland says, “The fact [that] something isn’t currently explained doesn’t mean it will never be explained or that we need to completely change not only our neuroscience but our physics.”

Menuge admits “it is possible that a materialistic explanation of consciousness might be found, but that does not make the claim that consciousness is non-physical an argument from ignorance.” Menuge further counsels,

At any given time, scientists should infer the best current explanation of the available evidence, and right now, the best evidence from both neuroscience and rigorous philosophical analysis is that consciousness is not reducible to the physical. Churchland’s refusal to draw this inference is based not on evidence, but on what Karl Popper called “promissory materialism,” a reliance on the mere speculative possibility of a materialistic explanation. Since this attitude can be maintained indefinitely, it means that even if a non-materialist account is correct (and supported by overwhelming evidence), that inconvenient truth can always be ignored. Surely the project of science should be one of following the evidence wherever it leads, not of protecting a preconceived materialist philosophy. Isn’t it that philosophy—the one that constantly changes its shape to avoid engagement with troublesome evidence, either ignoring the data or simply declaring it materialistic—that most resembles a virus?

In one respect, perhaps it is gratifying that the New Scientist raises awareness (if only out of fear) about important challenges to the materialist establishment. On the other hand, “What irony,” wrote William Dembski in an e-mail.

Witch hunts, subversion of science, not following evidence to its logical conclusion — all the things the author worries will happen to science if a non-materialist neuroscience succeeds — are the things she herself embraces in reflexively assuming that the only valid neuroscience must be materialist.

Updated 10/24, 6:15 Am (PST)

Winter 2008 Philosophia Christi

We are nearly at press with the next issue of Philosophia Christi.

In our 10:2 (Winter 2008) issue, there are several important contributions to enjoy. Highlights below.

If you haven’t renewed or if you have never subscribed, please do so by October 31st in order to guarantee that you’ll receive the Winter 2008 issue. NOTE our “first-time subscriber discount.”

Highlights in the Winter 2008 issue

  • Book symposium on Dale Allison’s Resurrecting Jesus, with contributions by William Lane Craig, Stephen T. Davis, Gary R. Habermas and a final response by Allison.
  • Book symposium on William J. Abraham’s Crossing the Threshold of Divine Revelation, with contributions by Stephen Long, James Beilby, James K. A. Smith, and a final response by Abraham.
  • A variety of articles that criticize a version of the Kalam cosmological argument, William Hasker’s philosophy of mind, and a recent version of philosophical relativism.
  • Diverse notes about Christian physicalism, Oppy’s Arguing about Gods, Paley’s natural theology, and an interaction with N.T. Wright’s theodicy.
  • Several book reviews, such as Antony Flew’s review of Dawkin’s God Delusion and notable reviews of Hare’s God and Morality, Kalderon’s Moral Fictionalism, Adams’ Christ and Horrors, Philipps’ Religion and Friendly Fire.

Kripke’s Latest Article

In the September 2008 issue of Theoria, the Distinguish Professor Saul A. Kripke published his latest article, “Frege’s Theory of Sense and Reference: Some Exegetical Notes.”

Abstract: Frege’s theory of indirect contexts and the shift of sense and reference in these contexts has puzzled many. What can the hierarchy of indirect senses, doubly indirect senses, and so on, be? Donald Davidson gave a well-known ‘unlearnability’ argument against Frege’s theory. The present paper argues that the key to Frege’s theory lies in the fact that whenever a reference is specified (even though many senses determine a single reference), it is specified in a particular way, so that giving a reference implies giving a sense; and that one must be ‘acquainted’ with the sense. It is argued that an indirect sense must be ‘immediately revelatory’ of its reference. General principles for Frege’s doctrine of sense and reference are sated, for both direct and indirect quotation, to be understood iteratively. I also discuss Frege’s doctrine of tensed and first person statements in the light of my analysis. The views of various other authors are examined. The conclusion is to ascribe to Frege an implicit doctrine of acquaintance similar to that of Russell.

Ridiculous “Religulous”

Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D.

Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics
Biola University
La Mirada, Ca


Comedy tastes change over time.  I’m sure a water-squirting daisy on a
jacket lapel was a riot in its day.  Knock-knock jokes kept me and my
friends pretty entertained in second grade.  And I’m sure Henny Youngman
would not get the same laughs today if he were still alive doing stand up.

The new film Religulous starring comedian Bill Maher (HBO’s Real Time with Bill
) and directed by Larry Charles (Borat, Curb Your Enthusiasm) seemed to
fall pretty flat in the laughs department-like it was appealing to an audience
that may have been amused by it twenty years ago.  I was struck by how
little laughter there was among those in the opening-weekend crowd.  (In
terms of magnitude, I use the word “crowd” here in the sense of the “crowd” that
might attend a Joe Biden campaign rally.)  Religulous was showing in the
smallest theater in the multiplex (not much bigger than the “truck-driver’s
chapel” that appeared in the film) and even then it was only about a third full.

It was pretty clear that the few folks attracted to the movie were already fans
of Bill Maher and his open hostility to all things religious.  Why, then, so
little laughter from them?  I think it’s obvious.  Anyone who fits
that strange “I’m smarter than Blaise Pascal, John Milton, C.S. Lewis,
Maimonidies, and Averroes put together” mold has already had his laughs.
After all, anyone who is able to work a TV remote control has immediate and
never-ending access to some of the strangest displays of human religiosity
imaginable on global network broadcasts.  Those who get affirmed in their
irreligion by watching such things have already tuned into the craziness many
times to reassure themselves that believers are some fully evolved species of
super kook.  They do not need Bill Maher to replay it with a new
soundtrack.  The movie audience seemed pretty bored-and rightly so.
They’d seen it all before on their own living room TVs.

Well, if it’s not very funny, then what does it have to offer?  Nothing,
really, except a chance for Maher and Charles to make a fast buck (glad I got my
ticket for free).  Maher is pitching this film as mavericky-telling the
truth about religion that everyone else is afraid to address.  But
Religulous is nothing more than filthy, nudie, druggie, and obtusey.  There
is little to laugh at and nothing to learn (except maybe that if you quit being
Religulous you get to act like Caligulous).

Christianity gets more than two thirds of the attention in the film.  Were
there any thoughtful and penetrating objections to Christianity in the film?
No.  Did they interview any thoughtful and accomplished Christian scholars.
No.  The closest they came to this was an interview with renowned scientist
Dr. Francis Collins whose segment in the film made almost no sense indicating
that they had butchered it down to nubs in the editing room.

Maher does bring up two points that are argued on occasion by knowledgeable
opponents of Christianity.  These are 1) that the New Testament was
produced generations after the events they record, and 2) that the basic story
of Jesus is simply a retelling of myths that predated him, myths that came out
of Mitharism and Egyptian religion.

The latter argument is itself a retelling of the myth re-popularlized by Dan
Brown in the The Da Vinci Code.  Bill Maher and Dan Brown made the
inexcusable error of never actually consulting experts in these ancient
religions-or even doing a brief Google search.  For instance, Prof. Gunter
Wagner has set forth the conclusion of the evidence attempting to link
Christianity with Mithraism.  Writes Wagner, “Mithras does not belong to
the dying and rising gods, and no death and resurrection ritual has ever been
associated with this cult. Moreover, on account of the lateness of its spread,
there is no evidence of the Mithras cult influencing primitive Christianity.”

As for the idea that the New Testament was written much later than Christians
have traditionally believed, again, even a cursory study of the facts of the
case would be helpful to people like Maher who claim to have objections based on
evidence.  It has been for many years the consensus of most modern
scholars-believers and skeptics alike-that the Gospels were written in the
latter half of the First Century AD  The most common date ranges for the
authorship of these documents are 70-80 AD for Matthew, 60-70 for Mark, 70-80
for Luke, and 80-90 for John.  Since Jesus departed earth around 30 AD,
these dates of authorship all fall into the generation that had first-hand
contact with the events recorded.  Maher simply seems to buy the popular
mythologies and unquestioned assumptions that often pass for knowledge about
early Christian history.

If a careful examination of the evidence did not drive Bill Maher to his
conclusions about Christianity, then what did?  Maher is wide open in the
movie about the religious environment of his childhood.  He was raised in a
religiously schizophrenic home with a Roman Catholic mother and a  Jewish
father.  He attended mass and Catholic school until he was thirteen when
his family suddenly stopped.  His mother said it was because she and her
husband were tired of feeling guilty about using birth control.  It
wouldn’t be a stretch to propose a causal relationship between the way Maher’s
family treated Christianity like a semi-useful fiction and Bill’s adult
conclusion that Christianity is bunk.  It reminds me of the great atheist
of last century, Bertrand Russell.  We really don’t get much in the way of
substance when we read Russell’s famous book, Why I Am Not a Christian.
But we seem to get far greater insight about Russell’s rejection of Christianity
when we read his less famous autobiography.  Like Maher, Russell’s
dysfunctional religious upbringing seems to be far weightier than any rational
argument in moving him to godlessness.

If there is one important lesson for Christians of all sorts to learn from this
movie it is this:  we have got to start talking differently about “faith.”
Unfortunately, we have let the secular world and antagonists like Bill Maher
define the term for us.  What they mean by “faith” is blind leaping.
That is what they think our commitment to Christ and the Christian view of the
world is all about.  They think we have simply disengaged our minds and
leapt blindly into the religious abyss.

The biblical view of saving Christian faith has never had anything to do with
blind leaping.  Jesus himself was fixed on the idea that we can know the
truth-and not just in some spiritual or mystical way.  Rather, he taught
that we can know the truth about God, humans, and salvation objectively.
That is, the very best forms of investigation, evidence, and careful reasoning
will inevitably point to God and His great plans for us.  The early church
learned well from the Master because they too were fixed on the idea that they
knew that Jesus was raised from the dead and that we could know it too.
The Apostles never made any room for interpreting their experiences of the risen
Christ in some mystical or fictional fashion.  As the Apostle Peter put it,
“We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power
and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty” (2
Peter 1:16).

What we mean by “faith” is not blind leaping that is oblivious to the evidence,
especially evidence to the contrary.  Rather faith in it’s biblical context
is trust grounded in objective knowledge.  Faith is trusting that which we
can know to be objectively true.  I run a graduate program in Christian
Apologetics at Biola University in which we train students at the highest levels
to give compelling reasons for their faith.  Maher did not knock on our
door.  But unfortunately, I think many of the Christians he interviewed
would be surprised to learn that there is a robust knowledge tradition in
Christianity.  I long for the day when a guy like Maher would never
consider making a film like this because it would be so difficult to find
Christians that he could hound and hoodwink.

Maher and Charles successfully put some of the goofiest strands of the Christian
movement on public display for cinematic ridicule.  Great skill, intellect,
or cleverness, that did not require.  The greater feat would be for the two
documentarians to jump out of their own shallow presuppositions and prejudices
to get a fresh look at what has made Christianity attractive to some of the
greatest minds in human history.  But I think it’s a good bet that they
don’t have a sequel like that on the drawing board.

Richard Dawkins’ search for a grander truth

In a recent interview in the UK based Third Way magazine, Richard Dawkins affirmed:

‘I’m damn sure there’s more to the universe than we understand… there may be some things that we never understand. But I think I draw the line at saying because we don’t understand it, therefore some kind of theistic interpretation is therefore more plausible. I suspect that the truth, when and if we discover it, will be far grander and more mysterious than anything that theists have ever imagined.’ (Third Way, ‘Said the atheist to the (ex) Bishop’, September 2008, p. 10.)

A few brief observations:

1) Dawkins almost sounds here like a proponent of the theological ‘way of negation’ which holds (rightly or wrongly) that we can only say what God is not, and not what God is.

2) While everyone seems agreed that there is indeed a bad, ‘God of the gaps’ form of theistic argument (at least when it is an ‘argument from ignorance’), arguments in natural theology needn’t be, and generally aren’t, formulated along such fallacious lines.

3) The main question this quote raises in my mind is whether Dawkins hasn’t come accross St. Anselm’s definition of God as ‘the greatest conceivable being’ or ‘that than which a greater cannot be thought’. Of course, since Dawkins critiques the ontological argument in The God Delusion he must have come accross Anselm’s definition. How, then, can he think that any as-yet-to-be-discovered truth could possibly be greater than the greatest possible being? I can only surmise that Dawkins’ (literally) doesn’t understand what he is talking about on this issue.

4) Is Dawkins contradicting the values-subjectivism he elsewhere explicitly embraces by talking about the possibility of discovering ‘grander’ truths? If not, then how can a merely subjective ‘grander’ truth be any greater than God, especially when God is defined as the objectively ‘maximally great being’? Dawkins is either contradicting himself or undercutting himself here.

5) Perhaps if Dawkins came to understand the meaning of the phrase ‘greatest possible being’ he wouldn’t think of theistic belief as a ‘medieval’ place-holder for something grander. And if he thought more deeply about God so-defined than he does in The God Delusion (where he basically passes the ball to Hume and Kant) then he might look more kindly upon St. Anselm’ ontological meditations upon that theme…

A Review of Religulous: Ridiculous?

Dr. Craig J. Hazen, director of the graduate program in Christian apologetics at Biola University, recently reviewed Bill Maher’s Religulous.

Hazen’s review can be read here:

Religulous is not the brightest film, and it certainly lacks the courage to engage with thoughtful Christians, but as Hazen notes, “If there is one important lesson for Christians of all sorts to learn from this movie it is this: we have got to start talking differently about ‘faith.'”

Unfortunately, we have let the secular world and antagonists like Bill Maher define the term for us. What they mean by “faith” is blind leaping. That is what they think our commitment to Christ and the Christian view of the world is all about. They think we have simply disengaged our minds and leapt blindly into the religious abyss.