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Letter from EPS President Mike Austin

December 7, 2023

Fellow members of the EPS,

It has been a few weeks since our annual meeting in San Antonio, which was a rich time of friendship, fellowship, and philosophy. For those of you who were able to attend, I trust it was a good and encouraging time for you. I look forward to our 2024 meeting in San Diego.

I would like to ask you, the members of the EPS, to prayerfully consider a year-end gift to the Society, or adding a monthly donation as a part of your regular giving. In addition, if you know of other Christians who might be interested in supporting what we do, please forward this email and information about the EPS to them. Or put them in contact with me—I would love to share about the vision and goals of the EPS, the work we do, and our plans for the future.

There are several different things we are trusting God to provide for, including some of our normal operating expenses as well as several initiatives we hope will expand the kingdom work of the EPS. The following are aimed at continuing to be faithful to the work God has called us to, as well as expand our reach and membership so the EPS continues to flourish.

  • $12,000 Funding for 2-3 EPS members to participate in sessions sponsored by the EPS at each of the three American Philosophical Association meetings every year. These meetings provide an excellent venue to engage those in the wider guild, bearing witness to Christ as we do so. We’ve done panel discussions as well as having individual members present at the Eastern, Central, and Pacific meetings in recent years, but want to expand this to have a presence at every meeting, every year.
  • $7,500 Funding for EPS regional meetings, including plenary speakers and student paper prizes. One way of expanding our membership is by more fully funding our regional meetings. I appreciate so much those who do the work to put these on with little to no funding. We want to bring plenary speakers to our regional meetings who will attract a wider audience and offer students some financial incentive to submit papers. It is often more feasible for many to get to a regional meeting, and we hope to grow our society through investing in the regional meetings in these and other ways.
  • $30,000 Funding for expanding the international reach of the EPS. We have connections with The Tyndale Fellowship’s Study Group for Philosophy of Religion in the United Kingdom. We are also exploring some possibilities in Canada. If anyone knows individual Christian philosophers in Central or South America, please contact me. We hope to help send EPS members to conferences overseas, as well as bring philosophers from other parts of the world to our annual meeting. It would be great to see EPS conferences in Canada, Brazil, Germany, and other places around the world in future years.
  • $11,500 This is the approximate cost for producing one issue of our excellent journal, Philosophia Christi.This, along with the annual and regional meetings, is one of the best things we do as a society, reaching thousands of people in the United States and around the world with excellent Christian philosophy.

Click here if you would like to donate to the EPS.

Click here to renew your membership or subscribe to Philosophia Christi.

Finally, consider some encouraging and challenging words from a few of our long-time members and leaders:

“As one of the founders of EPS, it has been an honor and joy to see its quality and impact grow, both for good philosophy and for the Kingdom. I have made it an important matter to donate and recruit students and faculty to join and subscribe to Philosophia Christi. May I encourage you to do the same.” – J.P. Moreland

“The EPS is the only evangelical society of Christian philosophers. Its witness to the Church and the world is irreplaceable. It is therefore vitally important that we, its members, facilitate its flourishing. I encourage each of us to set aside a portion of our giving to the Lord’s work to help support the work of the EPS.” – William Lane Craig

“The Evangelical Philosophical Society is a community that has been a vital source of spiritual nourishment, intellectual encouragement, and professional collaboration throughout most of my philosophical development over the decades. Its first-rate journal Philosophia Christi has been a valuable resource from which I have continually drawn. I cannot emphasize enough the important and strategic role the EPS has had—and continues to have—for the academy, the church, and culture. I strongly urge you to support its endeavors through your own involvement in the society, through your subscriptions, through spreading the word to others to join, and through your much-needed financial support. And consider further promoting the EPS by giving others a gift subscription to Philosophia Christi. Thank you!” – Paul Copan, Past President of the EPS and the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University (Florida)

Thanks so much for considering this. I pray you and your families have a good Advent and a joyful Christmas, celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world.

Mike Austin
EPS President

2024 EPS Far West Region – Info and Call for Papers

2024 EPS Far West Region Meeting Information

Location: Southern California Seminary, San Diego, CA

Theme: “Balancing Scholarship in the Church and the Academy”

Plenary Speaker: Dr. Thomas R. Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminar

Dates: Friday April 5, 2024

Paper/Abstract Submission Deadline: January 31, 2024

Meeting Details:

Registration: Presenters and attenders must register for the conference: click here to register. Early registration ends on February 28, 2024.

Early Registration Rates (through February 28, 2024)
Full Members: $30
Student Members: $15
Guests: $40
Banquet: $30

Regular Registration Rates
Full Members: $35
Student Members: $15
Guests: $45
Banquest: $30

Paper/Abstract or Panel Discussion Proposals: EPS members of any rank and any region are welcome to submit a paper/abstract on any topic of interest to Christian philosophers. Please email a 250 (max) word abstract as an MS Word attachment to

The attachment should include a title and be prepared for blind review. In the body of the email, include the following:

Title of paper:
Whether you are a member of EPS or ETS:

The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be January 31, 2024. Presenters should expect to present for 30 minutes with 10 minutes left for discussion.


The following schedule is tentative and will be updated closer to the conference.

The conference will begin at 12:00pm with registration and will finish at 8:30 pm

The Tyndale Fellowship’s Study Group for Philosophy of Religion

The Tyndale Fellowship’s Study Group for Philosophy of Religion plans to meet (in person) Wednesday 3rd July 2024 14:00 – Friday 5th July 2024 14:00 at High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon (

We are very pleased that Dr Paul Copan ( of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Florida, has agreed to be our Tyndale Lecturer; title and topic to be confirmed.

If you’d like to give us a paper, please send an abstract (no precise word limit: aim for 250 words or so) to by Friday 8th December. (The paper itself should be aimed to last for about 30 minutes.) The abstract can be on any area of philosophy of religion, broadly construed. We are happy to receive submissions from any stream of philosophy (analytical, continental, historical, feminist…), and from people of any faith or none. If you do not expect to be able to be present in person please feel free to submit an abstract making it clear that you are able to present only on-line. Equally, it’d be helpful if you can confirm that you expect to be in person, if that is the case. We intend to give preference for in-person talks, but may, as this year, be able to accommodate a couple of on-line talks.

Any queries, please contact Daniel Hill at

2024 EPS Southeast Region – Info and Call For Papers

2024 EPS Southeast Region Meeting Information

Location: Toccoa Falls College, Toccoa, GA

Plenary Speaker: R. T. Mullins, “Why Would God Create Anything At All?: A Question Classical Theism Cannot Answer”

R.T. Mullins (PhD, University of St Andrews) has published over 50 essays on various topics in philosophical theology related to models of God, philosophy of time, personal identity, the problem of evil, disability theology, the Trinity, and the incarnation. He has published two books, The End of the Timeless God (Oxford University Press, 2016) and God and Emotion (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Mullins has held research and teaching fellowships at the University of Notre Dame, the University of Cambridge, the University of St Andrews, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Helsinki. When not engaging in philosophical theology, he is often found at a metal show.

Dates: Friday – Saturday, February 23-24, 2024

Paper/Abstract Submission Deadline: January 3, 2024

Meeting Details:

Registration: Presenters and attenders must register for the conference (Register here). Early registration ends on January 23, 2024 (prices increase $5 after this date).

Early Registration Rates (through January 23, 2024)
Full Members: $50
Student Members: $35
Guests: $55
Spouses: $5

Regular Registration Rates
Full Members: $55
Student Members: $40
Guests: $60
Spouses: $10

Paper/Abstract or Panel Discussion Proposals: EPS members of any rank and any region are welcome to submit a paper/abstract or proposals for panel discussions on any topic of interest to Christian philosophers. Please email your proposal with your name, title of paper, and institution to as a doc(x) or PDF attachments to no later than January 3, 2024. Papers should be structured to take no more than 25 minutes to read, allowing for a 10-15 minute discussion period.



11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Check-in and Registration
12:30 – 1:45 PM First Plenary Session
2:00 – 2:45 PM Paper Session 1
2:55 – 3:40 PM Paper Session 2
3:50 – 4:25 PM Paper Session 3
4:45 – 5:30 PM Paper Session 4
5:40 – 7:15 PM Banquet Dinner and Second Plenary Session


8:30 – 9:15 AM Paper Session 5
9:25 – 10:10 AM Paper Session 6
10:20 – 11:05 AM Paper Session 7
11:15 – 12:15 PM Third Plenary Session
12:15 – 12:45 PM Business Meeting
1:00 Dismissal

Location, Meals, and Accommodations
The Southeast Regional meeting will take place on the campus of Toccoa Falls College, located at 107 Kincaid Dr., Toccoa Falls, GA 30598. Check-in and Registration open at 11:00 AM in Gate Cottage. Please follow signage to parking on campus.

EPS Executive Committee: Call for Nominations

EPS Executive Committee: Call for Nominations

The Evangelical Philosophical Society is asking for nominees for the upcoming election of new members of the Executive Committee. Each potential candidate must be nominated by two current members of the EPS in order to be considered for being on the final ballot. As you consider who might be a good person to nominate for the Executive Committee, the “Profile for EPS Executive Committee Members” below should be helpful.

Please send your nominations to Chris Lee ( by Monday October 30.


Mike Austin, EPS President


The Evangelical Philosophical Society is deeply committed to sustaining a unique identity in its endeavor to serve both the academy and the church.  Because EPS seeks to fulfill this service as a means towards its ultimate end of bringing glory to the Triune God and spreading the Kingdom of God, it is important that the intellectual commitments and spiritual texture of the EPS are honoring to God.  Therefore, members of the EPS Executive Committee should fit a certain profile by living a life that exemplifies the following four values.

First, an Executive Committee member should value excellence in philosophy.  He or she should exhibit a life of philosophical growth, a commitment to the discipline, and a desire to serve the field of philosophy both because it is intrinsically good to do so and for the honor of Jesus Christ.

Second, an Executive Committee member should exhibit a real sense of faithfulness to the teachings of the inerrant Word of God, along with an eagerness to identify with the Evangelical community.  The EPS is an Evangelical society and it should manifest a desire to be loyal to and defend the views of that community unless, of course, that loyalty or those views are suspect for some reason or another.  Evangelical brothers and sisters who are not philosophers should have a sense that the Executive Committee member is one of them and happy to be their representative in the academic community.

Third, an Executive Committee member should live life with a spiritual texture.  He or she should not be pugnacious, arrogant, or self-absorbed.  Instead, an Executive Committee member should have the texture of servant.  He or she should be seeking to live a holy life and to have a solid Christian family where that is applicable.  He or she should be the sort of person that others recognize as having a genuine, vibrant spiritual life of devotion to the Lord Jesus.

Finally, an Executive Committee member should be strongly committed to being an activist for the cause of Christ.  This commitment should be seen in the member’s desire to do his or her work in order to promote a Christian world view in the world and the church, strengthen the faith of believers, and help to fulfill the Great Commission.   At a practical level, this means that Executive Committee members must commit to serving on at least one sub-committee which addresses the operational needs (e.g. donor relations, increased membership, marketing, web-content, public image, etc.) or future aspirations (international chapters, national outposts, etc.) of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.  Strong candidates should possess the talents and willingness to serve the Executive Committee through the work of its sub-committees. All members and candidates for membership of the Executive Committee must be full, current members of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Letter from EPS President Mike Austin

Dear Members of the EPS,

I was just reminiscing about the first time I attended an annual meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. It was held in Colorado Springs, in 2001. I made the drive down with another student in my PhD program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Four of us crammed into a hotel room to save money. I presented a paper on the argument from contingency, at the same time as William Lane Craig was speaking. I think 3 people attended my talk. At the time, the debate about open theism was raging. It was an interesting first conference, to be sure.

A lot has happened since that meeting in the EPS, the church, and the culture. One thing that has remained the same is the commitment of the EPS to our mission:

The mission of the Evangelical Philosophical Society is to glorify God through the faithful practice of philosophy, fostering a deeper understanding of God and the world he created while both encouraging and enabling Christian philosophers to engage philosophical and spiritual issues in the academy, church, and culture.

The work done by EPS members in our journal and online are important parts of our mission and vision, as are the various meetings and conferences we participate in beyond our annual meeting, such as the AAR, ETS, and APA. I’m grateful that we are a society not only of philosophers, but also scholars from related disciplines, pastors, apologists, campus ministers, and laypersons.

I would like to suggest one thing related to our mission and vision, and more importantly our faithfulness to Jesus, whoever we are and wherever we serve. We must be people of character. Not perfect people, but people of increasing Christlike goodness, “little Christs,” as C.S. Lewis so memorably put it. Our character, our relationships with family, friends, and those in our local church, the content and tone of our work and ministry, must exemplify not only boldness, as needed, but also grace, truth, humility, hope, and the fruit of the Spirit, among other things. 

All of this is the fruit of life together with fellow Christians, and of a consistent practice of the spiritual disciplines we find most helpful. When platforms seem more important than principles, when the pursuit of likes on social media undermines our spiritual formation, when protecting our image is more prized than imitating Christ, staying true to our mission and cultivating moral and intellectual virtue in a transformational union with Christ are vital.

Just something to think about as the new academic year begins.

Institutional Journal Subscriptions

If your institution does not subscribe to our journal, please consider requesting that they do so. The Library Print Subscription rate is relatively low, as these things go. You can direct the person responsible for subscriptions here or via the Philosophy Documentation Center for digital only subscriptions (includes access to back issues since 1999!).

Executive Committee Nominations

Also be on the lookout for a call for nominations for new members of the EPS Executive Committee in early October for a vote to be held in late October/early November.

EPS Annual Meeting in San Antonio

I look forward to seeing many of you at our annual meeting this year, November 14-16 in San Antonio (see here for a program draft). It’s always good to see old friends, make new ones, and learn from one another as we follow the Way, together.

A few special events at the meeting to keep in mind as you plan:

EPS Reception

Tuesday 8:30pm – 10:00pm, Lone Star Ballroom Salon C.

EPS Plenary Address

C. Stephen Evans, “Should Christians Accept a Divine Command Theory of Moral Obligations?”

Wednesday 2:10 – 3:00pm, Grand Hyatt, 2nd Floor Lone Star Ballroom DEF

EPS Business Meeting

Thursday 9:45am – 10:45 am, Convention Center Rm. 303A.

Come here what the EPS is up to, share your own thoughts, etc.

Thanks for your work for Christ and his kingdom!


Mike Austin
EPS President

The Substance of Consciousness

In September 2023, Wiley-Blackwell will publish The Substance of Consciousness by Brandon Rickabaugh and J. P. Moreland.

From the publisher’s description:

The Substance of Consciousness delivers a unique and powerful defense of contemporary substance dualism. The book makes the claim that the human person is an embodied fundamental, immaterial, and unifying substance. We offer a multidisciplinary approach, exploring areas of philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, and the sociology of mind-body beliefs. It presents the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and rigorous non-edited work on substance dualism in the field, as well as a detailed history of how property and substance dualism have been presented and evaluated over the last 150 years. Alongside developing new and updated positive arguments for substance dualism, we also discuss key metaphysical notions and distinctions that inform the examination of substance dualism and its alternatives.

Readers will also find:

    • A thorough examination of the recent shift away from standard physicalism and the renaissance of substance dualism.
    • Comprehensive explorations of the likely future of substance dualism in the twenty-first century, including an exhaustive list of proposed research projects for substance dualists.
    • Practical discussion of new and rigorous critiques of significant physicality alternatives, including emergentism and panpsychism.
    • Extensive treatments of philosophy of mind debates about the roles played by staunch/faint-hearted naturalism and theism in establishing or presuming methodology, epistemic priorities, and prior metaphysical commitments.

This unique volume will be perfect for professional philosophers, and also earn a place in the libraries of consciousness researchers, philosophical theologians, and religious studies scholars.

Virtual Conference: Cosmic Mind, Divine Action, and Design-Engaged Theology

Date: April 14th, 10 am (GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada).

Register today!

Goal: This virtual conference draws on intelligent design theory to make the case for a God who cares—and for what that means as humans seek to join God’s redemptive mission in crucial areas of human thinking, responsibility, and life. The conference speakers and participants will center on one unifying question: “What are the implications of Intelligent Design for science-engaged theology?”

Featured Speakers

  • Steve Meyer: Evidence from Cosmology, Physics, and Origin of Life
  • Joshua Farris: Evidence for a Cosmic Mind from individual humans
  • Michael Egnor: Evidence from Neuroscience for Neurotheology
  • J.P. Moreland: The Soul, ID Research and Science-Engaged Theology
  • Charles Taliaferro: Cosmic Mind and Implications for Creation & Vocation

Learn more at

The 2023 Carolina Analytic Theology Workshop


The 2023 Carolina Analytic Theology Workshop will take place from Friday, May 19 – Saturday, May 20.


The 2023 workshop is scheduled to take place on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. 


This is an invite-only workshop that will alternate each year between Anderson University’s Clamp Divinity School (Anderson, SC) and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC).

The purpose of the annual workshop is at least three-fold: 


The Workshop’s invite-only nature is designed, in part, so that we have on-hand between 20-30 participants reading and interacting with 8 papers. The four papers a day and restricted number of attendees allows for sustained reflection on the presented research with an intimately sized group of scholars. The vast majority of our attendees will be professional academics, while we also have a few spots reserved for a select group of graduate students, those whom we think would both enjoy and benefit from taking part in the exercise. Invitees will be philosophers, theologians, and biblical scholars. This, we hope, will help cultivate an environment of interdisciplinary engagement.

The papers will be read before the workshop (similar to how the old Logos workshop at Notre Dame was run).  All of these provisions allow for time and space for discussion without the feel of a normal conference, wherein ideas are treated often with a glancing blow rather than sustained thought and reflection. So, we aim genuinely to get new lines of research from scholars wishing to workshop their ideas.